On March 17, 2019, Mamamy’s next passionate product –  Mamamy Ultraflow diapers to prevent diaper rash & maximum redness officially appeared. Continuing the entire brand spirit, Ultraflow Diapers are one piece in Mamamy’s whole range of baby safe products.

The product was welcomed in the presence of the press, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vu Ba Quyet, former Director of the National Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology, obstetricians and paediatricians, Director of SeoLim Company, Korea – Mrs. Oh Hye Sook and hundreds of customers are Mamamy’s partners.

PGS.TS Vũ Bá Quyết, nguyên Giám đốc bệnh viện Phụ sản Trung Ương
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vu Ba Quyet, former Director of the Central Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, attended

Mamamy Ultraflow diapers are manufactured directly at SeoLim’s factory in Chungcheongbuk-do, Korea. SeoLim is a Korean manufacturer of premium diapersmore than 30 years of experience. Being the “mother” of a series of major diaper brands in the country of ginseng.

Together with research and development, Mamamy Ultraflow diaper rash & redness is a combination of understanding skin and harsh climate of Vietnam. With the latest technology in the production of diapers.

Advantages of Mamamy Ultraflow diapers:

  • Add a layer of super-absorbent SAP particles. 1.5 times more absorbency
  • Natural cotton imported from Canada helps not to clump.
  • Diamond 3D surface keeps baby’s skin airy and moisture-free
  • The technology of cold pressing edges (diapers) helps not to scratch baby’s skin
  • The bottom surface radiates heat 360 degrees. Baby always feels the airiest, even in hot summer.

Thanks to the above advantages, Mamamy Ultraflow diapers handle the issues parents are most concerned about when using diapers for babies: maximum prevention of diaper rash & redness.

That is also the principle when creating a Mamamy product – always going from the needs of consumers. Vietnamese children wearing diapers often have rash and redness. Besides, the reason why parents let a much time changing diapers for their children is too long. Diapers that lack breathability and are too thick or prone to overflow are also the reasons.

The nature of the rash or redness

Rash or redness beyond the cause of the child’s skin. Then the main cause is because the child sweats in the lines (neck, between the feet, hands …). Or the skin is exposed to a humid environment, such as urine, for a long time. Sweat and urine are inherently free of bacteria. But when exposed to the outside environment for a while, it will be infected with bacteria from the environment. Therefore, if the skin is exposed for a long time, it will lead to a rash or redness (essentially bacterial dermatitis).

Parents must also remember that rash or redness is a skin problem, nothing to worry about. Parents, please stay calm and research carefully before choosing the most suitable product for your baby!

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